The following officers form the 2023/24 Richmond Canoe Club Committee. To contact any member of the Committee, please email Club Secretary

Position Committee Role Description
Commodore Lizzie Broughton The Commodore provides leadership and direction for the Club. Taking a strategic view to ensure RIC is following a clear strategy that encourages and supports marathon and sprint racing. The Commodore is also responsible for chairing committee meetings.
Vice Commodore Nick Garner The Vice Commodore supports the Commodore in her role and fills in for her in her absences.
Rear Commodore Roly Lucas The Rear Commodore is responsible for organising the galley and for the day to day running of the clubhouse – including cleaning and sourcing supplies. The Rear Commodore will also obtain club clothing for members and work jointly with the social secretary for parties, events and arranging catering at Richmond Races
Treasurer Jason Metcalf The Treasurer is responsible for collecting and banking all monies coming into the club, keeping accurate accounts, reimbursing expenses, and paying bills.
Secretary David Leech The Secretary provides administrative support to the club, including organising meetings, keeping minutes and records, and dealing with correspondence.
Membership Secretary Heather Cox The Membership Secretary is responsible for maintaining the database of club members, processing membership applications, and keeping a record of subscriptions paid and due. The Membership Secretary is also responsible for issuing club access key tokens and maintaining a database of current key holders
House Steward Tony Waszkiewicz The House Steward is responsible for the maintenance of all club buildings and facilities and their permanent fixtures and fittings, including the inspection of fire and safety equipment. This includes the boathouses, gym / clubroom, galley, changing areas, toilets, showers and stairs.
Harbour Master Settimo Mutolo The Harbour Master is responsible for managing the boathouses and for the allocation of rack space to private and club boats. The Harbour Master will keep a record of all club boats and help ensure equitable use for races and events. He/she will work with coaches to propose the acquisition or disposal of boats.
Marathon Secretary Jack Prosser The Marathon Secretary is responsible for promoting marathon racing within the club, including participation in the Hasler races, the National Marathon Championships and any other races. He/she will organise the pre-entries, keep the necessary records of participation in Haslers, and is responsible for organising and running the Richmond Hasler and Frank Luzmore Races.
Coaching Secretary (Novice) Jemima Johnstone The Coaching Secretary is responsible for coordinating adult coaching across the Club, including new coach training and refresher training. He/she is responsible for working with other club coaches, overseeing the coaching structure, especially for novices, whilst ensuring there is a clear path to enable novice senior paddlers with the ability and commitment to rise to the highest levels.
Welfare Officers Catherine Pickering, Michael Grant Welfare Officers are responsible for promoting safeguarding within the Club and working with others to ensure a safe and inclusive environment for all members.
Junior Coordinator Boris Mavra Junior Coordinator is responsible for coordinating junior coaching across the Club, including new coach training and refresher training. He/she is responsible for establishing a structure and liaising with British Canoeing to promote junior paddlers at all levels, from beginners to internationals.
Volunteer Coordinator Alex Flockhart The Volunteer Coordinator is responsible for helping to find volunteers, defining and describing volunteer roles and making sure volunteers are motivated and supported by the club in the roles they undertake.
Junior Representative Shirav Medepalli The Junior Representative is invited to join committee meetings to update on the junior section and pass on any feedback from junior paddlers.