Richmond Canoe club welcomes new members with an interest in paddle sport. For those who have not kayaked or canoed before, membership to the club is available on completion of a novice course. Those with previous paddling experience can join the club straight away (this may be subject to a quick competency assessment to make sure you join the correct paddling group). For under 18s who want to learn to paddle, this is usually done through one of our summer time paddle camps.

If you wish to join Richmond Canoe Club please visit our WebCollect page:

For 2024-25 the membership types/rates are:

  • Life – £2,700
  • Senior – £270
  • Senior (60+) – £210
  • Student (full time, 18+) – £200
  • Junior (under 18) – £320
  • Social – £45 (use of the clubroom and not the use of boats, paddles, gym or ability to vote at the AGM)
  • Out of port – £90 (Please contact membership secretary: for more information.)
  • Child of senior – £250
  • Rack fee- First rack £50, Second rack £120, Third rack £150

There is a £50 one off joining fee for new members. All new members have to be formally approved by the Committee. The club’s membership year runs from November to October. If a new member joins part way through the year they will pay a reduced rate.

Please contact the membership secretary with any queries.


Availability of Key Fobs

The ethos at Richmond Canoe Club is to encourage greater club participation such as in arranged training groups, club days and other times when the club is normally open. With this principal in mind, the default position is that members will not be issued with a key fob until they are integrated into the fabric of Richmond canoe club, i.e. are participating in club sessions and events. Key fobs are not issued as of right. Broadly speaking key fobs are an earned consequence of evidence of commitment to and a sense of responsibility towards the club

Where established members require access to the club outside these times, key fobs may be made available at the discretion of the canoe club.  Members requiring key fobs should approach their coach for advice.  They need to have demonstrated a level of competence to paddle safely, and to show responsibility towards the maintenance and security of the club and its facilities.  Key fobs will not be issued to juniors under 16,  but may be issued to the parents of junior members subject to need, for example, for fetching or returning boats for races. Keys fobs are for the sole use of the person to whom they are issued; they may not be lent or given to others.

The access control system will record whose key has been used whenever a door has been unlocked.  Where there is evidence of misuse of keys, or of club facilities in general, the Canoe Club reserves the right to disable a member’s key fob on the system.  The key fobs of lapsed members will automatically be disabled, as too will members who owe rack or membership fees. Richmond Canoe Club reserves the right to deviate from this policy where the individual circumstances makes it right and proper to do so.

Boat rack allocations

All rack space requests should be directed to Harbour Master team for approval. Please complete this form to request a boat rack in the boat house.

To ensure smooth process, members should give a minimum of 4 week notice of any requirements.