Top boat
Tom/Luke (who had not paddled together before) 6th in Race 1
next Top boat
Freya/ELM 3rd in Race 2
Top positional packing
James/Shirav, Issy/Joshua, Nicole/Elly: 1st, 2nd, 3rd in Race 3
Top swimmers
Lizzie/Jess; Faye/Martin
OF interest
Peter/James boat would have liked to be faster. I suggested en route that this was because James had not paddled for 2 weeks.
James rejoined that last weekend he had walked 89 miles of Hadrians Wall in 5 days, and that the effort in struggling up and down, through mud, had the effect that he had at least lost many kg.
Hannah/Alex boat afflicted by (Alex’s words) “a delaminated rear footrest”.
What he really meant was that his foot force had caused the metal to be sheared and buckled.
Lucy/Rob boat rtd on results sheet (but looked to be going OK when I saw them)?
Good paddling EVERY Sunday up to Christmas… two 10 @ 10, two Hare & Hounds, and a ELmridge/Richmond K2 race practice paddle on Dec 22nd.