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4th January 2020

Final update – all competitors to bring buoyancy aids as stated previously. COMPULSORY buoyancy aids for ALL JUNIORS, no exceptions. Divisions 1-6 to be determined on the day.

See you all tomorrow!


1January 2020

Wednesday update – the Frank Luzmore race will take place this Sunday 5th January. Please note that the flow is still strong so please use the self-assessment form to assess your competency and choose your boats wisely. Please ensure that all boats have adequate buoyancy , boats will be checked and those without will not be allowed to race. Also, please bring buoyancy aids as they may be made compulsory – decision to be made on the day.

FYI – there will be no parking available this year at the Poppy Factory.

Look forward to seeing you on Sunday!


29 December 2019

Sunday update – could not have hoped for a better improvement in conditions this week and it looks as if flow is steadily decreasing with no rain predicted for the next week (fingers crossed!). Final decision will be posted here on Wednesday but we are busy preparing for a race.


24 December 2019

Update on the current plans for Frank Luzmore 2020

As I am sure you are aware, we have had a large amount of rain in the last couple of weeks and the river is rather full and very fast. We are very keen to go ahead with the race on this great stretch of river but our primary concern is safety. As it currently stands there will need to be no more rain and a drastic drop in flow for the race to go ahead. Given that conditions are changing quickly we will make a preliminary assessment on Sunday 29th December and provide an update online then. Our final assessment for hosting the race on the 5th January will be made and posted here on Wednesday 1st January.

Irrespective of final decisions we suggest you start thinking about boat choice and your competency in the conditions. We have posted a link to our self-assessment form that is intended to assist you in assessing your ability in these conditions (link at top of the Luzmore race page). The threshold for this assessment will change depending on the conditions, but assuming the race runs in severe but safe and improved conditions the threshold will likely be set at around 9 – this will be updated closer to race day and dependent on conditions.

In addition, the following points will likely be in operation to ensure safety:

  • Buoyancy aids compulsory
  • Sufficient buoyancy in boats (this will be checked on the day and boats not allowed to race without buoyancy)
  • Completion of self-assessment prior to entry
  • Possibility of restricting entries to pre-race entries only – i.e. no entries on the day. Knowing numbers ahead of the day will assist in planning. Update on this to follow on Wednesday 1st January update.

If the race does not go ahead, we plan to reschedule to Sunday 19th January (EA and PLA approval dependent).

Link to Luzmore race page